Family Planning? Invest in Certified Organic Beds
Kids Never Outgrow Healthy Sleep Parents, what costs more in the long run, a quality healthy mattress, or medical bills? Sure, youngsters are prone to colds and infections. But what if their budding natural defenses are weakened night after night in bed by chemical exposure? It’s harder for kids than adults to detox. So the harmful compounds found in polyurethane mattress padding and memory foam are especially dangerous to children. The good news is, the healthy alternative is actually more cost-effective. Money or Medical Bills? Conventional children’s beds—even inexpensive mattress sets that seem like a good buy—may generate bigger bills...

Better Sleep and Breathing
Hint: it all starts with an organic mattress Trouble sleeping? Wake up feeling unrested? It might not be all the late-night TV, or the room temperature, or the light coming in under the bedroom door that’s keeping you up. The air content in your room may be affecting your breathing ... and therefore, your sleep. Whether or not you have respiratory problems—such as asthma, allergies, COPD, or sleep apnea—the air quality where you snooze dictates how efficient and effective your breathing is. When you breathe well, it’s easier to stay asleep longer, allowing you to get the deep “REM” sleep...

The Best Organic Pillow on Earth
We’ve got your “down alternative” right here: kapok! Hey, sleepyhead! Pillow junkies of all stripes know that the right support pays dividends in restful nights. But excellence is hard to find. Have you tried to locate fluffy stuff that you like better than feathers and still been disappointed? If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent years running the gamut of natural products and fills, searching for a comfortable pillow to support your neck and noggin. Holistic sleepers have lots of choices in pillow types these days—but the list of cons often outweighs the pros. Goose or duck down provokes allergies....

Killer Sleep: How the Wrong Mattress Harms Your Health
Are you inhaling more than air as you sleep? A healthy mattress helps safeguard nighttime air quality. If you end your days on a conventional mattress, though, you may be sucking in chemical gases and insect waste that literally deprive you of oxygen. Less oxygen means less mental and physical renewal—and less-rewarding sleep.

Babies Need Clean Sleep
Where babies lay their heads is of profound importance to their health and well-being. The unseen compounds that they absorb through their tender skin and breathe in from the air can either aid or block their growth. Because kids spend 40 percent of their early years sleeping, bedroom environments have a huge impact on the developmental process.

Supported by Nature: How Organic Mattresses Are Made
Organic mattresses contain only what you need to enjoy ergonomic support, heat and humidity regulation, and a soft casing nearest your skin. They use high-quality materials that will hold up for decades, as opposed to the average 6-year life span of synthetic mattresses.